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Home » Walks N Wags Pet First Aid Course

Walks N Wags Pet First Aid Course

Join our certified Walks n Wags Pet First Aid Instructor, Mallory Richards, in learning about how to treat pet injuries and most importantly how to prevent them! Walks N Wags is a Nationally Recognized Pet First Aid certification course and the most comprehensive pet first aid program out there. Important topics covered in the course include: steps to take in an emergency, how to handle bleeding wounds and bone injuries, how to perform Artificial Respiration and CPR, what to do for poisoning and heat/cold injuries, and more. This is a 10 hour course and and suitable for pet owners and pet professionals. The cost is $165+gst

Want your dog to join? All Walks N Wags courses include practice with live animals! If you want to bring your friendly dog please say so in your registration, Please note we reserve the right to send your dog home if it is too stressed or aggressive.


Sunday Oct 6th
9:00-7:00pm (Good Hound Training and Daycare Facility, 5028 48th ave Delta)
Instructor: Mallory Richards
Register HERE

See what clients say about Walks N Wags Pet First Aid!

“I recently took Walks N Wags First Aid for Pets at Good Hound Training in Ladner. The course was  informative, relevant, and a lot of fun! 10 hours went by quickly, and I le( feeling confident that I could  handle a wide range of emergencies.  

One of the topics the course covered was how to recognize the signs of GDV (bloat). One week later I  recognized these signs in my own dog, Cleo! GDV is a serious condi on and can be fatal. I rushed Cleo  to the animal hospital, where she had emergency surgery.  

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is alive today because I took this course. I had never even heard  of GDV before this class, and certainly would not have realized how quickly the condi on can progress  from first symptoms to death. Even though I arrived at the animal hospital within a couple of hours of first no cing symptoms, the vet was not sure she could save her.  

I highly recommend this course. Whether you work with dogs, or are a dog owner, you will probably  have to deal with an injury or an illness at some point. You may never have to face an emergency  situa on, but if you do, you will be so thankful that you know what to do!  

Thank you Walks & Wags, and thank you Mallory from Good Hound Training!!  

Sharon S. and Cleo Spring 2024

“I recently took Walks N Wags First Aid for Pets and was fortunate to take it at Good Hound Training in Ladner. Mallory is a great instructor with an obvious passion for the career path she and her husband have chosen. Her energy and instruction style are laid back, and peppered with funny as well as heartwarming and, even, sad stories regarding experiences she’s had during which first aid was required for her or another’s dogs. The 10-hour course is intensive… and fun… with live dogs to help you put into practice what you learn. And, surprisingly, the day goes by in the blink of an eye!
Once you’re certified with First Aid for Pets, you can upgrade with Off the Grid. This 3-hour course is recommended if you’ll ever find yourself 2 or more hours away from a vet hospital, i.e. camping or hiking. I took Off the Grid this past weekend, and what fun we had figuring out how to “McGuyver” bandages and stretchers out of common everyday items (sans first aid kits). This time, I took along my almost 2-year old silver lab, Atticus. He was a great sport and Mallory treated him like a pro – understanding that he’s still a puppy and keeping him relaxed all the while letting him “be a puppy” and have a good time while “working”. Her obvious love and knowledge of dogs and their psychology is remarkable and definitely an attribute to her success.
I would not only recommend the Walks N Wags First Aid for Pets to anyone who has a pet, but I would recommend, specifically, taking the course through Good Hound Training. When the time comes to recertify, I hope that Mallory is still instructing the course.
Great job and good luck in all that the future holds for you!”

– Jeannine and Atticus