Bringing Home a New Puppy

Bringing Home a New Puppy

Congratulations! You got a puppy! Now what do you do? Raising a happy and balanced puppy is not easy. They come into your home and will likely cry for the first few nights (or weeks!), they’ll pee inside, they’ll nip you, chew on your shoes and just in general get...
Puppy Play – Is it normal for puppies to play rough?

Puppy Play – Is it normal for puppies to play rough?

Let’s talk about proper puppy play!! I’m sure you have all heard how important it is to socialize your puppy with other dogs. But what is even more important is knowing socialization is more than exposure. We want to introduce our pup to others and then...
Managing Dog Expectations

Managing Dog Expectations

There has been a rising trend of expecting the world of our dogs. We get a dog and expect them to like all people, all dogs and all situations. I believe this expectation comes from a good place- wanting to take our dog everywhere with us because we love them. Of...
7 Ways To Keep Your Dog Cool in The Summer

7 Ways To Keep Your Dog Cool in The Summer

Summer has gotten off to a great start this year! I hope you are all enjoying and taking advantage of this warm weather.  However, this heat does come with some challenges when it comes to taking care of our dog friends. We have complied a list of tips and tricks to...